Java with the Script- Exploring a New ES

19 Jan 2022

Inspiration Point

Javascript was one of the first languages I learned when I first started programming. I can say that Javascript was one of the reasons I took up programming which started my interest in a career revolving around computer science. Although I was first introduced to block-based coding, I did not like how I was limited to the certain commands already on the blocks and not knowing correct syntax that would be needed for text-based coding. I decided to learn a language related to developing websites, so I came across Javascript. Javascript opened my world to text-based programming which led me to join the robotics team in elementary school. In robotics, I learned the C++ programming language. I also came across Java and Python in other STEM-related classes. In my senior year of high school, I got the chance to use Javascript again when I was developing my GitHub webpage. Taking the Javascript class in my senior year helped me to decide that I would fully major in computer science.

Improving Javascript Skills

Re-learning the basics of Javascript was fun, and it reminded me of the similarities and differences between all the languages I know. After not touching Javascript for a few years, it was great to review the basics and practice my skills, especially in regard to, arrays and loops. Compared to a lot of the other programming languages I used, Javascript does not use pointers, so it is an interesting language to work with. I did not really know about ES6 before doing the modules, so I learned some new ideas, and it boosted my experience with Javascript. It was an enjoyable learning curve to get through and even now, I am learning more about Javascript in regard to object orientation and different functions. Doing the practices also reminded me how in-depth Javascript can be and that it is a good tool/language to have. Whether Javascript is a good programming language or not, I believe that it depends on each person’s perspective and preferences. Depending on what someone wants to do, whether it be web development or AI development, it is always good to have Javascript in your belt.

Training the Brain

Another great learning tool is an athletic software engineering approach called, Workouts Of the Day or WODs. WODs allow us to practice working under pressure that will be presented in the real world. The time given can be stressful, but it motivates me to study more and know what I am doing to successfully complete the WODs within a certain amount of time. I find them enjoyable because I am able to test myself and see how long it takes me to comprehend the question and write corresponding code. I believe that WODs will work well to benefit me as a software engineer and in coding interviews, since interviewers will give us a problem, and we have to solve it completely and correctly in a certain amount of time. I think the concept of athletic software engineering is needed since they are exercises to improve our mind and skills. I believe it will work for me and overtime, I believe that I can get better and finish within the Rx time.